Thursday, January 30, 2020

Family and marriage ten theories Essay Example for Free

Family and marriage ten theories Essay 1. Family Ecology- The ecological context of the family affects family life and children’s outcomes. It explores how the family is influenced by the environment.This theory studies how family lives and decisions. It basically brings forth the idea that every choice that you make affects your family, your lifestyle, the surrounding events as well as historical events. Key Concepts Natural physical-biological environment- This concept deals with climate and climate change, soil, plants and animals. Social- Cultural environment- This concepts deals with human made things as well as cultural artifacts. Theorist/ Individual- This concept was discovered/ or created by ecologist Strength and Weaknesses- Some strengths of this theory is that What You Think- I think that this theory is totally correct. I feel like every choice I make does affect my family. It affects their lifestyle as well as how they view things, as well as how they form their opinions. These decisions that I am making now, affects how we live and will affect how they decide they will live when they get older. These decisions are things like, where we live, how we live, work ethics, as well as the food we eat. 2. The Family Life Course Development Framework Families experience predictable change over time. This basically brings forth the idea that families go thru unpredictable changes, which add and subtract from their family composition. This means birth, death and the leaving home of a family member. Key Concepts Family Life Course- Events that add and subtract from a family’s composition Developmental Tasks- tasks that have to be completed before you can transition to the next stage. On Time Transitions- Events that occur when they are supposed to, as opposed to being too early, or too late. Role Sequencing- The order in which major transitions take place. Theorist/ Individual- Life Course Therapist, and Ueker and Stokes Strength and Weaknesses Some of the strengths of this theory is that it analyzes the family as a unit. What You Think- This theory basically states that family life begins with marriage. This is crazy and untrue. I say this because nowadays family life begins when you have a kid as opposed to when you get married. 3. The Structure- Functional Perspective- The family performs essential functions for society. This deals with the way families fulfill basic societal needs, such as raising children responsibly, providing economical support, and emotional security. Key Concepts Social Institution- Family Structure Family Functions Functional Alternatives Theorist/ Individual- Social Scientist Strength and Weaknesses- Some of the strengths is that it analyzes the way families raise their kids, as well as how the family meets the needs of its members. The weaknesses of this theory is that it analyzes the family as a whole, as opposed to analyzes each person individually and how they deal with each other. What You Think- I think that each perspective is uniquely different and this perspective analyzes how families fulfill its members needs. The needs that they analyze, are basically what makes a family functional. These needs are things that each members needs to feel like they play a part in the unit. 4. The Interaction- Constructionist Perspective By means of interaction, humans construct socio-cultural meanings. The internal dynamics of a group of interacting individuals construct the family. Key Concepts Interaction Symbol Meaning Role Making Social Construction of Reality Destruction Postmodernism Theorist/ Individual Strength and Weaknesses- The strengths of this theory is that it looks at the family as a whole to see what is being done collectively to create the closeness. One of the weaknesses is that it does not look at the obvious, it should analyze the person that keeps the family together. Each member is following the lead of one person, who’s main goal is to keep the family together. What You Think- I think this theory basically analyzes family practices and what things, like rituals, bring them together, or create a apparent closeness. These are things that can be used to identify, or analyze another persons behavior, when they don’t come from a family like structure. 5. Exchange Theory- The resources that individuals bring to a relationship or family affect the formation,continuation, nature and power dynamics of a relationship. Social exchanges are compiled to create networks and social capital. This meaning that when people are engaged in social exchanges they limit their costs and maximize their rewards. Key Concepts Resources Rewards and Cost Family Power Social Networks Social Support Theorist/ Individual- Social Therapist Strength and Weaknesses- The strengths of this theory is that it analyzes relationships and people’s economic perspective on forming the relationships. The weaknesses are that the perspective analyzes the people’s economic perspective on forming relationships but it doesn’t analyze thoroughly what type of person they are, and how they attract friends, and form relationships. What You Think- I think this is a great theory. It basically means that when you are forming relationships with people you are analyzing what you can get from the relationship, as opposed to what you are giving in return, or what you have to bring to the table. It basically states the person with less committment to the relationship has more power.  This is because the person with less committments not the person competing for the relationship,as if they don’t care either way, whereas the other person actually cares and wants the relationship to bloom. 6. Family Systems Theory- The family as a whole is more than the sum of its parts. This meaning that the family, becomes whole, although it is comprised of interrelated parts. Key Concepts System- a combination of elements or components that are integrated and organized as a whole. Equilibrium- balance Boundaries- ideas about who is in the family and who is out  Family Therapy- Theorist/ Individual- Psychotherapist Strength and Weaknesses- Some of the strengths are that the theory is that it bases its theory off of research of the family and how it is comprised of different parts. One weakness is that it does not analyze the different personalities within the family as well as the family interactions to determine what keeps them balanced. What You Think- I think that the Family Systems theory is a theory that basically researches the family and it looks at a system as a combination of elements. This is good because it looks at how the family actually interacts together. 7. Conflict and Feminist Theory- Gender is central to the analysis of the family; male dominance in society and in the family is oppresive of women. It is the opposite of structure functional theory. The theory argues that human physiology, genetics, and hormones predisposed individuals to certain behaviors. Key Concepts Male dominance Power Inequality- Theorist/ Individual- theoretical scientist/ social scientist Strength and Weaknesses- Some strengths of these two theories are that they basically analyze what causes certain people to be treated unfair and unequally. It basically tries to ask and answer the question as to what makes males more dominant than females. One of the weaknesses is that it can not effectively  answer this problem, nor solve it because it still exists. What You Think- Conflict Theory analyzes unequal Power. Feminist Theory analyzes gender issues. 8. The Biosocial Perspective- Evolution of the human species has put in place certain biological endowments that shape and limit family life choices. Key Concepts Evolutionary heritage Genes Hormones Brain Processes Inclusive Fitness Theorist/ Individual- Behaviorist Strength and Weaknesses- One of the strengths is that it analyzes the fact that a persons environment helps shape them. One of the weaknesses is that their research found that they could not the factors considered were dependent upon each other, as opposed to just one. What You Think- I think that this theory basically analyzes how a person sees the world and how their behaviors are affected by their environment and family life. 9.Attachment Theory- Early Childhood experience with caregivers shape psychological attachment styles. This brings forth the idea that during infancy and childhood a young person develops a style of attaching to people. Key Concepts Secure Insecure Anxious Attachment Styles Theorist/ Individual- Behaviorist Strength and Weaknesses- some of the strengths are that it analyzes why kids act the way they do and how they get attached to people. The weaknesses are that it does not leave the door open to explain if they are conditions that worsen the child’s ability to attach to a person, or What You Think- I think that the theory is dead on and it explains why a child acts a certain way towards people they don’t know, meeting new people, and why they don’t want to be seperated from their care giver.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Cultural Rape in Heart of Darkness and The Jewel in the Crown :: comparison compare contrast essays

Cultural Rape in Heart of Darkness and The Jewel in the Crown      Ã‚   The comparison of Heart of Darkness and The Jewel in the Crown may lead to some interesting questions. The authors of these two great works have found their way into the literary cannon for well-founded reasons. Both texts seem to continue to bring the reader to ask questions of both the text and the readers own moral values. One of these value based questions deals with racism. It may well be that both of these great works may be examples of racism being subjected upon the people of two separate continents. Both of these situations may be compared to not the rape of a woman, but the rape of a people and their ideologies.    As Paul Scott wrote The Jewel in the Crown his story seems to tell a tale of an English woman in India who had been raped. On the surface of course this is the story meant for the reader to find. However, underlying the issue of rape there may be another story. Scott writes, "This is the story of a rape, of the events that led up to it and followed it and of the place in which it happened. There are the action, the people, and the place" (Scott 3). This single statement may have more truth within it about the author's intent in his story. When Scott writes that with his story is that of a rape we must ask of whom?    The written character that is raped is Daphne Manners. Her original home is Britain. The same country that has colonized India becomes an important issue in the story. It is important to see that Scott describes the fact that, "Mr. Gandhi began preaching sedition in India" at the same time he introduces the rape theme (Scott 3). Scott is hinting to the reader his real intention behind his story. Gandhi's act of sedation was one wrapped in hopes of attaining equality and freedom from Britain for his people. Britain had control of his land and its people.    Scott is not the only author aware of racial inequality in Britain's colonization of foreign continents. Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness is also a complaint of racial inequality concerning Britain's colonization. His is a complaint of the control of certain parts of Africa.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

The Consequences Of Indias Regulated Economic Development Economics Essay

The Indian economic system provides a uncovering contrast between how persons react under a government-controlled environment and how they respond to a market-based environment. Evidence suggests that recent market reforms that encouraged single endeavor have led to higher economic growing in that state. India can bring forth extra economic growing by furthering entrepreneurial activity within its boundary lines. To prosecute farther the entrepreneurial attack to economic growing, India must now supply chances for ( 3 ) Networking among possible enterprisers and their experient opposite numbers. Further, although the Indian authorities should set up policies supportive of entrepreneurial attempts, its function overall should be minimized so that the influence of the free market and single opportunism can be to the full realized. Economic development, achieved mostly through productiveness growing, is really of import to both developed and developing states. However, even though we know that higher productiveness leads to better economic results ( for illustration, higher income, more picks to the consumers, better quality merchandises, etc. ) , there has been no consensus among research workers about either the coveted way of development or the function of province in economic development. The function of the province in economic development began to alter dramatically with the coming of the Industrial Revolution. In the West, the ensuing industrialisation and economic development were based on the constitution of single belongings rights that encouraged the growing of private capital. Competition and single endeavor thrive in this environment because persons pursue their opportunism of endurance and wealth accretion. The inherent aptitude to last under competitory force per unit areas outputs invention and productiveness additions, which finally lead to both increased net incomes for concern and lower monetary values to consumers. However, the rise and spread of capitalist economy led a figure of minds to analyze the effects of the market-based attack to development. Socialists argued that capitalist economy ( or private ownership of capital ) can take to greater inequalities of income and wealth, while developmental economic experts argued that private determinations may non ever lead to socially desirable results ( peculiarly in the instance of market imperfectnesss ) . Indeed, many policymakers at the clip saw market failures as quite common and hence assumed that merely appropriate authorities intercessions could steer an economic system to a way of sustained economic development. In the early twentieth century, the former Soviet Union attempted a bold experiment of bettering single wellbeing without giving the aim of greater equality of income and wealth through entire ownership of capital by the authorities. Initially, the Soviet Government was able to raise productiveness through directed industrialisation and, within a span of 25 old ages ( by the terminal of World War II ) , emerged as a world power. It was around this clip that a significant figure of colonised states were deriving their independency ( for illustration, India, Pakistan and Burma ) . Unfortunately, during their clip as settlements to the Western states, these states, for the most portion, had been deprived of the industrialisation that had engulfed those same Western states. Based on the successful experience of the former Soviet Union, many economic experts and policymakers concluded that, peculiarly in a hapless state, planning was indispensable for the efficient allotment of an economi c system ‘s resources. The authoritiess in these freshly independent states assumed a important function in economic development. They sought to rapidly and well raise the criterion of life through directed and controlled economic development. Apart from everything else, these developing states invested to a great extent in instruction to advance literacy and to guarantee an equal supply of proficient work force to run into their turning demands. Further, these antecedently colonized states did non desire to subject their hapless and weak economic systems to international economic fluctuations and therefore sought to industrialise through import replacing industrialisation, where imports were expected to be progressively replaced by domestic production. In this paper we examine economic development in India, a former British settlement that became one of the most closed economic systems in the universe, to contrast the functions of authorities intercession and single endeavor in that state ‘s economic growing. In peculiar, we demonstrate that, given recent economic reforms in India, along with the grounds for the function that single endeavor can play in a state ‘s economic growing, the Indian authorities should invent policies that rely more on single endeavor, with its accent upon single enterprise and opportunism, to spur economic development. Further, we describe the particular function that can be played in the economic development of India by a greater accent upon entrepreneurship. The program of the paper is as follows. Section I summarizes the scheme of economic development and the overall economic environment that has prevailed in India since its independency from the United Kingdom. Section II analyses the effects of regulated economic development in India, with peculiar accent on the deductions of the microeconomic facets of India ‘s attack to its economic environment. Section III assesses the consequences of India ‘s economic reforms since the state ‘s economic crisis of 1990, and highlights the function that single endeavor has played and can go on to play in that state ‘s economic lucks. Section IV describes the particular function that entrepreneurship can play in India ‘s attempts at economic growing. Finally, subdivision V summarizes the chief findings and concludes the paper.I. INDIA ‘S STRATEGY OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENTIndia ‘s economic development scheme instantly after Independence was based chiefly on the Mahalanobis theoretical account, which gave penchant to the investing goods industries sector, with secondary importance accorded to the services and family goods sector ( Nayar, 2001 ) . For illustration, the Mahalanobis theoretical account placed strong accent on excavation and fabrication ( for the production of capital goods ) and infrastructural development ( including electricity coevals and transit ) . The theoretical account downplayed the function of the mill goods sector because it was more capital intensive and hence would non turn to the job of high unemployment in India. Any addition in planned investings in India required a higher degree of nest eggs than existed in the state. Because of the low mean incomes in India, the needed higher degrees of nest eggs had to be generated chiefly by limitations on the growing of ingestion outgos. Therefore, the Indian authorities implemented a progressive revenue enhancement system non merely to bring forth the higher degrees of sa vings2 but besides to curtail additions in income and wealth inequalities. Among other things, this scheme involved canalisation of resources into their most productive utilizations. Investings were carried out both by the authorities and the private sector, with the authorities puting in strategic sectors ( such as national defense mechanism ) and besides those sectors in which private capital would non be forthcoming because of slowdowns or the size of investing required ( such as substructure ) . The private sector was required to lend to India ‘s economic growing in ways envisaged by the authorities contrivers. Not merely did the authorities determine where concerns could put in footings of location, but it besides identified what concerns could bring forth, what they could sell, and what monetary values they could bear down. Therefore the scheme of economic development in India meant ( 1 ) Direct engagement of the authorities in economic activities such as production and Selling. ( 2 ) Regulation of private sector economic activities through a complex system of controls. In add-on, the Indian economic system was sheltered from foreign competition through usage of both the â€Å" infant industry statement † and a adhering foreign exchange restraint. Imports were limited to goods considered indispensable either to the development of the economic system ( such as natural stuffs and machines ) or to the care of minimum life criterions ( such as rough oil and nutrient points ) . It was further decided that exports should play a limited function in economic development, thereby minimising the demand to vie in the planetary market topographic point. As a consequence, India became a comparatively closed economic system, allowing merely limited economic minutess with other states. Domestic manufacturers were sheltered from foreign competition non merely from abroad but besides from within India itself. Over clip, India created a big figure of authorities establishments to run into the aim of growing with equity. The size of the authorities grew well as it played an progressively larger function in the economic system in such countries as investing, production, retailing, and ordinance of the private sector. For illustration, in the late fiftiess and 1960s, the authorities established public sector endeavors in such countries as production and distribution of electricity, crude oil merchandises, steel, coal, and technology goods. In the late sixtiess, it nationalized the banking and insurance sectors. To relieve the deficits of nutrient and other agricultural end products, it provided modern agricultural inputs ( for illustration farm machinery, irrigation, high giving assortments of seeds, chemical fertilisers ) to husbandmans at extremely subsidised monetary values ( World Economic Indicators, 2001 ) . In 1970, to increase foreign exchange net incomes, it designated exports as a p recedence sector for active authorities aid and established, among other things, a responsibility drawback system, programmes of aid for market development, and 100 per cent export-oriented entities to assist manufacturers export ( Government of India, 1984 ) . Finally, from the late seventiess through the mid-1980s, India liberalized imports such that those non capable to licensing as a proportion to entire imports grew from five per cent in 1980-1981 to about 30 per cent in 1987-1988. However, this partial remotion of quantitative limitations was accompanied by a steep rise in duty rates. This active and dominant engagement by the authorities in economic activities resulted in the creative activity of a protected, highly-regulated, public sector-dominated economic environment. Along with this authorities domination of the economic system, India shortly faced non merely some major jobs in its overall attack to development, peculiarly in the country of industrialisation, but besides a dramatic addition in corruptness in its economic system. Finally, like any other turning economic system, the Indian economic system faced a figure of serious sectoral instabilities, with deficits in some sectors and excesss in others. These effects of India ‘s government-controlled economic system are discussed in deepness in the following subdivision.II. THE CONSEQUENCES OF INDIA ‘S REGULATED ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENTIndia ‘s environment of regulated economic development led to the preparation of policies that were concerned with both macroeconomic and microeconomic facets. Whereas much attending in the literature has been devoted to the macroeconomic issues, we focus chiefly on the microeconomic facets of Indian economic policies. In peculiar, we examine how persons guided by their opportunisms of endurance and wealth accretion will move in a regulated environment, which in fact discourages the chase of those opportunisms. To make so, we describe the effects of In dia ‘s usage of monetary value ceilings, in which monetary values are set below their equilibrium degree to do merchandises and services low-cost to comparatively hapless subdivisions of the society.III. ECONOMIC Reform: THE MIXED RESULTS FOR INDIADue to authorities intercession, peculiarly the high degrees of authorities subsidies, it was clear by 1990 that India was populating beyond its agencies. The consequence was a terrible payments crisis in which, for the first clip, the authorities physically transported gilded overseas to forestall defaulting on foreign committednesss. To run into its immediate balance of payments crisis, India besides entered into a structural loan accommodation understanding with the International Monetary Fund ( IMF ) . However, one status of this loan required India to set about economic reforms to travel from a centrally-planned development scheme to one based on market-based resource allotments. As a consequence, the authorities of India undert ook a bundle of economic reforms between 1991 and 1993, with the purpose of puting the market in topographic point of authorities controls as the premier mover in the economic development procedure. As one might anticipate, macroeconomic policy played a major function in India ‘s economic advancement in the 1990s. For illustration, Acharya ( 2001 ) concludes that India ‘s devaluation of the rupee and its determination to increase the degree of allowable foreign investing helped it to do considerable economic advancement. Joshi ( 2001 ) and Karunaratne ( 2001 ) both say that India ‘s policy of selective capital history liberalisation helped it to accomplish of import economic aims ( and still avoided the crises faced by the East Asiatic states ) . Gupta ( 1999 ) highlights the of import function played by India ‘s prudent direction of exchange rate policy and its tight pecuniary policy. Bhalla ( 2000 ) notes both the denationalization of the populace sector en deavors and the gradual dismantlement of the authorities be aftering procedure in favor of market forces. Overall, there can be no uncertainty that the reforms implemented since 1991 have led to considerable economic advancement in India. For illustration, from 1992-1993 through 2000-2001, economic growing averaged an unprecedented 6.3 per cent per twelvemonth. Further, as indicates, the rate of rising prices and the financial shortage have both decreased well. He besides says that India ‘s improved exchange rate direction has restored the assurance of foreign investors, which in bend has led to improved funding of the current history shortage and higher degrees of foreign exchange militias. However, even though India has made significant economic advancement in recent old ages, it still has several countries in demand of major market-based reforms. Below, we identify three illustrations from India ‘s economic system that reveal a limitation of the chase of single opportunism and a recreation of resources off from their most efficient usage. The first illustration concerns the obstruction still presented by the Indian revenue enhancement system, the 2nd high spots the inefficiencies of the Indian civil service, and the 3rd describes the demand for farther land reform in India. 1. In malice of recent revenue enhancement reforms in India, the present revenue enhancement system still works against the single opportunism to last and roll up wealth and, as a consequence, still leads to the concealment of income, wealth and outgos. Indeed, whereas in the United States and the Republic of Korea, the highest revenue enhancement rate applies to an income degree of $ 250,000 and $ 66,000, severally, in India that same revenue enhancement rate applies to an income of merely $ 3,400. Simply reforming its revenue enhancement system to convey it in line with comparable states should give several significant benefits to the Indian economic system. 2. The Indian civil service provides attractive calling picks for immature occupation searchers due chiefly to the first-class occupation security, non-monetary compensation, and chances for influence available in those callings. For illustration, despite minimum wages for persons keeping top-tier places in such countries as disposal, constabulary, gross and railroads, these civil retainers are entitled to high occupation security and to a great extent subsidised lodging, conveyance, medical services, telephone privileges, and at times domestic aid. We believe that the policies underlying compensation to authorities employees should be reformed such that they are based chiefly on market rules. The advantages of making so include extinguishing sections known for corrupt patterns, doing expressed the true cost of a authorities employee ‘s public presentation, and giving authorities employees a good sense of their market worth. 3. Finally, considerable reform is needed in the Indian existent estate sector. A big proportion of the land is owned by the authorities, and any land made available for private usage is governed by antediluvian ownership, districting, occupancy, and rent Torahs. Further, this authorities control of land has reduced the sum of land available for trading intents. The consequence is that Indian land monetary values are the highest among all Asiatic states relative to mean income ( Lewis, 2001 ) .IV. THE ROLE OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP IN INDIA ‘S FUTURE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENTThe advancement of Indian economic development from 1947 to the present provides farther grounds that persons do react to inducements in their chase of self-survival and accretion of wealth. Further, the nature of this response depends on the economic clime, peculiarly the function of the authorities. India ‘s economic system struggled every bit long as it was based in a system of authorities ordinance with smal l interaction with economic forces outside the state. The economic reforms of the early 1990s set the phase for significant betterments in the Indian economic system. As was stated before, India ‘s economic system grew at an norm of 6.3 per cent from 1992-1993 to 2000-2001. Further, its rate of rising prices and financial shortage both decreased well. Improved exchange rate direction led to improved funding of the current history shortage and higher foreign exchange militias. Finally, India ‘s GDP and per capita income both increased well from 1990-1991 to 1998-1999. India can make more, nevertheless, to further progress its economic development. Indeed, one of the more recent microeconomic attacks to economic growing is the publicity of entrepreneurial activities. Entrepreneurial attempts have been found to bring forth a broad scope of economic benefits, including new concerns, new occupations, advanced merchandises and services, and increased wealth for future community investing. The undermentioned narrative explains in considerable depth how entrepreneurial activities have succeeded in several states and how it can now be used to further India ‘s economic development.DecisionThe Indian economic system provides a uncovering contrast between how persons react under a government-controlled environment and how they respond to a market-based environment. The grounds presented here suggests that recent market reforms promoting single endeavor have led to higher economic growing in that state. The logical thinking here is non new, although it is reviewing to detect that this â€Å" tried-and-true † concluding applies to developing every bit good as to developed states. Specifically, trust upon a free market, with its accent upon single opportunism in endurance and wealth accretion, can give a broad scope of economic benefits. In India those benefits have included, among other things, increased economic growing, reduced rising prices, a smaller financial shortage, and higher influxs of the foreign capital needed for investing. We further conclude that India can bring forth extra economic growing by furthering entrepreneurial activities within its boundary lines, peculiarly within its burgeoning in-between category. Not merely has entrepreneurship been found to give important economic benefits in a broad assortment of states, but India specifically has reached a point in its development where it can accomplish similar consequences through entrepreneurial attempts. Among other things, India is poised to bring forth new concern start-ups in the high engineering country that can assist it go a major rival in the universe economic system. For illustration, it has a strong instruction base suited to entrepreneurial activities, increased influxs of foreign capital aimed at its turning information engineering services sector, and a host of successful new concern start-ups. To prosecute farther the entrepreneurial attack to economic growing, India must now supply chances for ( 1 ) Education directed specifically at developing entrepreneurial accomplishments. ( 2 ) Financing of entrepreneurial attempts ( 3 ) Networking among possible enterprisers and their experient opposite numbers. Obviously, the authorities can play a significant function in assisting to supply these types of chances. It can besides supply the appropriate revenue enhancement and regulative policies and assist the citizens of India to understand the nexus between entrepreneurial attempts and economic prosperity. However, its function overall must be minimized so that the influence of the free market and single opportunism can be to the full realized. Lone clip will state if increased entrepreneurial activities in India will really give the economic benefits found in so many other states of the universe. Should India make up one's mind to prosecute that avenue of economic development, so future research demands to analyze the consequences of India ‘s entrepreneurial programme. Possibly more of import, that research besides needs to find how India ‘s success in entrepreneurial attempts might differ from those pursued in developed states.

Monday, January 6, 2020

The Declaration Of Independence By John Locke - 1294 Words

Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. – The Declaration of Independence John Locke, perhaps the greatest single influence on early American political thought, studied and articulated truths that had been simply assumed. His experiences during the English Civil War and efforts to bring about the Glorious Revolution led him to search for ways to legitimize resistance to an overbearing king. His final argument, the Second Treatise of Government, clarifies British constitutional laws by focusing on the individual’s rights in relation to those of society, setting the stage for both the Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution, and permeating Western culture. Born to a Puritan clothier on August 29, 1632, Locke entered Oxford at the close of the English Civil War. He considered both law and religion, but eventually settled on medicine as his mà ©tier, though he never earned his doctorate. While serving as personal physician toShow MoreRelatedPrinciples Of John Locke And The Declaration Of Independence1021 Words   |  5 Pages Essay Question: RELATE the ideas of John Locke to the Declaration of Independence by DISCUSSING three main ideas in the Declaration of Independence and how each relates to the Natural Rights Philosophy. FCA 1: Clearly stated definition AND explanation of Natural Rights Philosophy. (35 points) FCA 2: Correct and consistent verb usage. 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